5 Steps for Generating Backlinks Using Infographics

You need to let people know that your infographic exists. If it’s just sitting quietly on your site, it’s not going to generate any interest.

Backlinks are an essential way to move higher up the Google rankings. Without backlinks, it’s very hard to rank high on Google – but it’s also hard to get high-quality links from highly-rated websites. Infographics can help.

As noted by PR Daily, infographics are one of the best tools around for generating backlinks. People love visual content, making infographics shareable and digestable.

In order to get people to share your content, you need to do a few different things. You need to create quality content and you need find the right people to share your contact with – along with the right people who’ll share the content on your behalf.

Here are the 5 steps you need to take to generate backlinks via infographics:

1. Content creation is king

Firstly and most importantly, you of course need to create good content. Without good content, your infographics aren’t going to gain much traction.

Here are a few tips on how to create good content:

  • Focus on headlines and subheadings. As with any creative content, these need to be great.
  • Stay simple. Focus on one key concept and build a simple but impressive infographic around that one concept.
  • Leave some white space. No infographic should be too busy.
  • Blend words and visuals.

You can either create infographics yourself (along with your staff) or outsource the work to a graphic designer.

2. Publish

Publish the infographic on your own site in addition to infographic directory websites such as Pinterest and Canva. You can find many infographic directories here.

Accompany your infographic with a short article which contains your SEO keywords.

3. Search for websites to reach out to

You need to let people know that your infographic exists. If it’s just sitting quietly on your site, it’s not going to generate any interest. Reach out to websites that cover similar topics as your infographic – and get these sites to share your infographic.

Collect a list of potential websites within your industry using tools like Ahrefs. […] Ahrefs produces a list of webpages that use that particular keyword.

4. Collect key email addresses

The websites you’ve compiled in step 3 – you need to reach out to their staff.

Aim to connect with editors, writers and anyone else responsible for creating site content. People at the top of the chain probably won’t respond to your emails, so don’t waste your time with them.

5. Send the email

You can do this manually or through email blast tools like Mailshake or Mailmunch—or you can combine the two strategies.

When you send this email out, it’s good to offer something in return. You can’t expect anyone (especially someone you’ve contacted cold!) to share you infographic purely out of kindness. You can offer something in return, like a free article or blog post.

Follow the 5 steps above and you’ll create great infographics which will be shared on your behalf. You’ll then stand a great chance of collecting top-quality backlinks.